"Falling" is the eleventh episode of the fifth season on NBC drama series New Amsterdam, and the eighty-seventh episode overall. It aired on January 3, 2023.
When Helen Sharpe unexpectedly returns to New York, Max escapes to the wilderness on a corporate retreat with Bloom, Dr. Wilder and Iggy. Fun soon turns into catastrophe that threatens a life. Reynolds agrees to perform a risky surgery on a medical school colleague’s young son only to be faced with unexpected challenges outside his control.
Max and Elizabeth who meet in the hallway, she sends Ben away, she doesn’t want him in their private conversation. He says when he saw Helen on TV it was like seeing a ghost and he was in shock, and disbelief. She says she knows how much Helen meant to him; they both have a past. And she once hid in her apartment for an entire weekend after running into her ex, so she understands. But she doesn’t want to be in the middle of someone else’s drama. She walks away and Max gets a text from Helen asking to see her tonight.
Manny, an old friend of Floyd’s drops, by, his son is in the ICU. Floyd assesses the situation and says they have to operate immediately.
A man comes into the ER, he was stung by bees. Lauren is trying to pull a stinger out of his eye when Max walks up. The guy doesn’t want to stay in the hospital, he has tickets to the great escape, a retreat, with his employees. Max offers to buy the tickets.
Max asks Elizabeth to go to the retreat with him, she says yes.
Iggy is signing divorce documents when Max invites him, he says yes. Meanwhile, Helen keeps messaging Max, she wants to see him.
Max is on the retreat with Elizabeth, Ben, Iggy, and Lauren. There is a mountain to climb, Iggy bails and the rest go to the top, and now have to propel down a 300-foot cliff.
Floyd is operating on Manny’s son when a team looking for a radiation spill walks into the operating room. There is a potential amount of lethal radiation, and Floyd is told he has to move the boy. Floyd refuses and his staff is given radiation vests that will help them, Floyd says no, he is not leaving.
They all propel down and then Max tells Elizabeth he has to show her something. Then, the instructor is coming propelling down and the rock lets go, and she falls down with a huge boulder. While everyone tries to work on her, Iggy runs to get help.
Iggy takes a tumble and sits down for a bit, he hears a noise, twigs snapping, and looks around to see what it is. He finds a kid sitting on a rock eating a candy bar. Iggy checks his cell phone, still no signal.
More rocks are falling, and they have to move the woman, but she is going into shock. The boy tells Iggy that he ran away from his family. The boy is Iggy, he is imagining himself as a little boy.
Max tells Lauren about Helen, she tells him to not look behind, just look forward. All of a sudden, they hear a rumbling, it is a rockslide starting. They head back to where the instructor is on the ground, her leg is stuck under a rock. Max tells her they need to get her out and the only way it to amputate her foot, it’s the only way.
Iggy wakes up and his cell phone is beeping, he dials 911 and realizes he was out of it after the fall.
Floyd says he has to step out of the OR, the radiation levels are getting higher. Floyd tries to restart the boy’s heart; he is reduced to massaging it and nothing. Meanwhile, he is being urged to get out ASAP, the levels of radiation are too high. Floyd won’t quit, he says the boy won’t die. He did it, the boy is alive, and they transfer him to a new OR.
Max shows Elizabeth his phone, he wanted to show it to her earlier. She sees the message from Helen, Max says he is not going. She tells him that he should, he needs to, look at her and decide what he really wants. She tells him to stop running, at least not with her. They hear a helicopter, Iggy did it.
Floyd saved Manny’s son.
Martin drops by to see Iggy who tells him that he has had a really hard time accepting that it is over. Iggy signed the papers. Iggy says he knows the direction he wants to go in, he asks Martin to go on a date with him.
Lauren goes to a meeting and asks a girl to sit near her, she tells her she asked the universe to let her help someone who was just like what she used to be.
Max shows up at the bar, He is looking at Helen, he lets out a deep breath and walks away. Max goes to Elizabeth’s house. He tells her that he chooses her.
Guest Starring[]
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