"Grabby Hands" is the fifth episode of the fifth season on NBC drama series New Amsterdam, and the eighty-first episode overall. It aired on October 18, 2022.
Max endeavors to save a nurse who has become the subject of a dangerous malpractice probe. Reynolds goes the extra mile to help a group of patients who are being poisoned in their own building. Bloom makes a startling admission to her sister.
Max is making a drink in the blender and his daughter takes off the cover. He goes to wipe it up, and she grabs a knife when he is not looking and cuts her finger.
Floyd is in the hallway and sees a pretty nurse who he is attracted to. When he finds out that she is actually trial nurse, he is no longer interested and tells her that he will see her on the rounds.
Lauren is with her sister, she asks her if she ever thinks about getting clean. Her sister says yes, sometimes, then laughs. She starts to think about when her mom got wasted and ate dumplings, hen she says she is glad that she is here, she likes talking to her.
Max is with his daughter who is getting two stitches when some patients come in the ER. A woman with respiratory issues, she is a blue color. More are coming in, looks like sodium nitrite poisoning.
Iggy is with his therapy group of kids in the country when he notices that they are all on their phones and nobody is listening to him. He tells them they are going to drive into a fire, crash the car, big foot ahead, nothing – they don’t react. Iggy pulls over and tells them all to give up their phones, they are going phone-free for the day.
The patients are all from the same address, Lauren tries to call the landlord but there is no answer.
Justine is in surgery, she is speaking pig Latin, her kids say it is good luck. Someone comes into the ER and takes nurse Andrea out. Outside the OR, there is a cop who arrests Andrea. Max tries to stop it, but it doesn’t work. Andrea tells him to call her husband. Andrea’s patient died two months ago, the DA is prosecuting her for murder.
Max tries to plead Andrea’s case, she dispensed the wrong meds, but Max says it is the machine, it made a mistake, it is not on Andrea. She is not a criminal, she was doing her job.
Floyd goes to the apartment where the patients all live, he finds out that it is a cesspool for disease. Back to Iggy, the kids are not happy to be without their phones. They feel punished and they didn’t do anything wrong. Iggy says he is giving them a gift of nature. The kids want him to get rid of his phone as well, they noticed he is getting push notifications from a single’s app. He gives it up for their 90-minute hike.
Elizabeth can’t get anyone to join her in surgery, but nobody will do it for fear of getting arrested like Andrea.
Max meets with the DA and tries to plead Andrew’s case but to no avail. The DA says Andrea took a plea, ten years.
Iggy is in the woods with the kids and they lost the trail. He sees a sign, and it has a bar code to scan for the map, but they all don’t have their phones.
Elizabeth walks into a room and a patient is in distress, needs a drug but the dispensing machine won’t give it. She overrides the dispensary machine because the nurse won’t do it, she says she is not going to jail.
Floyd has good news, the owner is going to repair what is broken and get the place back up to code, and it will mean a 50% rent increase. Floyd tells them they are already paying that on lost wages and medical bills. They won’t do it and is the owner’s responsibility not theirs.
Iggy and the kids find some footprints, but it turns out, they belong to them – they are walking around in circles. There are dark clouds, the kids are already cold and it starts to rain.
Elizabeth has to tell the patient who needed the drug that the delay in getting it to her has caused kidney damage. Max says they covered their asses but this is the outcome. And, he feels like they failed, patients fist is the only way they should do things. Lauren’s sister Vanessa finds her three year’s sober coin and she is upset, she says Lauren lied to her. Lauren says she lied and she is sorry, but she wants to stay with her. Vanessa tells her that she left her with their psychotic mother when she was nine. She throws Lauren out. Lauren says she was an 18-year-old runaway drug addict and its bad she couldn’t come with her, but the villain is their mother. Vanessa tells her to stay, she is leaving to get high.
Elizabeth comes and talks to Max who looks defeated after his speech to the nurses. He asks if all the nurses quit. She asks him to take her hand and takes Max to the ICU, where all the nurses are still there, since none of the nurses are there to "cover their asses".
Floyd goes back to the building, he tells them that New Amsterdam is going to loan them the money to turn the building into a coop, that way they can all be owners. It is a huge tax right off, and if they get them healthy it will be worth it. They will all have a mortgage, it will be theirs. They can make the place what they want it to be because they will own it.
The nurse who Floyd had a crush on, her name is Gabrielle, and they go for drinks.
Iggy is still lost, the kids actually start enjoying the time together and all of a sudden, they discover that one of them have their I-pad, they can get the map and get out of there.
Guest Starring[]
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