"Righteous Right Hand" is the sixth episode of the second season on NBC drama series New Amsterdam, and the twenty-eighth episode overall. It aired on October 29, 2019.
When a group of women on a retreat end up in the ED, Max gets some troubling information that could put a patient in jeopardy. Sharpe and Kapoor work together to mend fences between two feuding sisters.
Bloom starts her shift in the ED and is shocked to find it both quiet and empty of patients for the first time since her return. She is uprooted, however when a church group full of women are rushed to the ED following a car crash; Bloom finds it soothing to have a full ED again and gets straight to work to treat everyone forming a triage system.
It quickly becomes clear to Max, however, that all of the women have pre-existing conditions. Max confronts the driver of the van, Kaye, and it quickly becomes clear that the crash was intentional, and that insurance had been purchased for each of the women prior to the crash. Max struggles with the idea of the intentional crash, knowing if the insurance company found out, the insurance would be void and Kaye could face criminal prosecution. Eventually, the police arrive and arrest Kaye, however, she suffers from a seizure on the way to the station and Max pushes towards the idea that the seizure could've caused the previous crash; Kaye is aware that this is false, however and that Max is helping her and the other women.
Kaye and one of the girls in her church group, Shantae — who has Down Sundrome— come into conflict when Shantae is revealed to be pregnant but wishes to abort the baby despite Kaye's wishes. Frome quickly rules that Shantae is of sound mind and able to take the decision into her own hands, and this is ruled the case by the courts. Eventually, Kaye accepts the situation and is with Shantae when she has an abortion.
Main Cast[]
Guest Starring[]
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